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Cancer - The Sign of the Crab Cancer is one of the 12 zodiac signs in astrology. In Latin, cancer means crab which symbolizes the characteristics of the sign. People born under this sign are known for their emotional nature and sensitivity. They value their family and home life above all else and are fiercely protective of those they love. Cancers are also known for their strong intuition and empathetic nature. They have a deep understanding of others and are often sought out for advice and support. However, this emotional nature can also lead to moodiness and a tendency to hold grudges. Cancers can become easily hurt by others' actions, and it can take time for them to forgive and move on. In addition to their emotional tendencies, Cancers are also known for their shrewdness and resourcefulness. They possess a strong sense of business acumen and are good at nurturing relationships that can help them achieve their goals. The crab is the perfect symbol for this sign, as it represents the Cancer's emotional shell and hard exterior. Like the crab, they can retreat into their protective shell when threatened, but they also have powerful claws to defend themselves. Overall, those born under the sign of Cancer are complex individuals, driven by intuition and loyalty. They possess a unique blend of strength and sensitivity that makes them powerful allies and loving friends.


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