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Is Gemini's English Score Good? As one of the many zodiac signs, Gemini is known for their intelligence and communicative skills. Therefore, people naturally wonder if their English language proficiency matches this reputation. In most cases, Gemini's English score is impressive. Due to their natural curiosity and sharp mind, they tend to pick up languages quickly. English is also the second most widely spoken language in the world, and as a sign that values communication, Gemini recognizes the importance of being fluent in it. Another reason why Gemini excels in English is their ability to express themselves. As a highly creative sign, they enjoy playing with words, and this helps them to grasp the language's nuances and intricacies. They can use English to convey their thoughts and emotions with ease, making them great storytellers, poets, and writers. Of course, like any other sign, there are exceptions. Some Gemini's struggle with language and may struggle to master English. But overall, their intellect and communication skills make them well-equipped to excel in this language. In conclusion, Gemini's English score is usually impressive, and it's not surprising considering their intelligence, curiosity, and creativity. If you're a Gemini interested in improving your English skills, don't hesitate to dive right in – you might just surprise yourself with how quickly you pick it up!


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