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"What Zodiac Sign is Gemini?" Gemini is the astrological sign for those born between May 21 and June 20. As one of the three air signs, Gemini is known for their intellectual curiosity, quick wit, and adaptability. This sign is symbolized by the Twins, representing their dual nature and multifaceted personality. The ruling planet of Gemini is Mercury, which is associated with communication, thinking, and learning. This translates into Geminis being excellent communicators and able to express themselves clearly in both oral and written forms. They are also quick learners and tend to have a broad knowledge base on a variety of subjects. Gemini is compatible with other air signs such as Libra and Aquarius, as well as fire signs like Aries and Leo. They thrive in social situations and often have a large circle of friends. However, their tendency towards indecisiveness and restlessness can sometimes cause them to struggle with commitment in relationships. Overall, Gemini is a sign that values intellect, communication, and versatility. They are adaptable and able to thrive in almost any situation. Whether you're a fellow air sign or a fire sign looking to add some intellectual stimulation to your life, a Gemini might be just the friend or partner you've been looking for.


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