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【双语字幕】狮子座 Lion’s Den - 狮子座 狮子座是黄道十二宫的第五宫,由太阳统治,象征着创造性、热情和领导力。
The Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, ruled by the Sun. It symbolizes creativity, passion, and leadership. 狮子座的人向往荣誉和尊重,他们渴望成为关注的焦点,并且有无限的自信和魅力。
Leos crave honor and respect. They long to be in the spotlight and have an infinite sense of self-confidence and charm. 他们是火象星座,拥有热情和能量,他们勇敢、具有斗志和决心,一旦决定了什么,就会全力以赴。
As a fire sign, they possess passion and energy. They are brave, competitive, and determined, once they decide on something, they go all the way. 狮子座善于领导和激励他人,他们很自信也相信自己的判断力。
Leos are good at leading and motivating others. They are very confident and believe in their own judgment. 他们喜欢追逐刺激和自我挑战,同时也很享受赢得胜利的喜悦。
Leos like to chase excitement and self-challenge. They also enjoy the joy of winning. 狮子座是十二星座中最具有骄傲个性的一个,他们经常会表现得高傲自大,但他们的好心和热情往往会让人们容忍和接受他们的个性。
Leos are the most proud and individualistic of the twelve signs. They often appear arrogant and conceited, but their good-heartedness and passion often make people tolerate and accept their personality. 总之,狮子座的人天生就是一支领袖,他们具有强大的领导力和独特的魅力,是十二星座中最受欢迎的人之一。
In conclusion, those born under the Leo sign are natural leaders. They possess strong leadership skills and unique charm, making them one of the most popular people in the zodiac.


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