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Taurus is the second sign in the zodiac chart and those who were born between April 20 to May 20, fall under this sign. Taureans are known for their reliable, patient, and responsible nature. These people have an Earth sign and are ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money. They have a great desire for comfort, luxury, and stability. If you are looking for a perfect English name for a male Taurean, then you can look for names that exhibit strength, dependability, and sophistication. Some popular English names for male Taureans include William, Edward, Alexander, Daniel, Christopher, David, Samuel, and Michael. People who have a Taurus zodiac sign are reliable and trustworthy. They are hardworking and complete their tasks with great care. They enjoy living the good life and have a keen eye for luxury. They love splurging on expensive items such as clothing, jewelry, cars, and homes. They are also known for their love of nature and gardening. They enjoy the beauty of the outdoors and benefit from spending time in nature. However, Taureans can be stubborn and resistant to change. They dislike sudden changes in their lives and prefer stable conditions that provide a sense of comfort and security. They can be slow to adapt to new situations and possess a great sense of determination. They will work hard to achieve their goals and are not afraid of putting in effort to ensure they make progress. Overall, male Taureans have a great personality and are known for their calm and steady nature. They make excellent partners, friends, and business associates, as they are reliable, dependable, and honest. If you are looking for an English name for a male Taurean, then you should choose a name that fits their personality well and represents their strengths of being reliable, stable, and sophisticated.


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