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Taurus, the second astrological sign of the zodiac, is represented by the image of a bull. Those born between April 20th and May 20th fall under this earth sign, which is known for its grounded and practical nature. People born under the sign of Taurus are often reliable, patient, and persistent individuals. They have a deep love for material possessions and enjoy the finer things in life, but also have a strong work ethic and are willing to put in the effort to achieve their goals. Additionally, Taurus individuals are known for their steady and loyal relationships. They value stability and security in their romantic partnerships, and tend to take their time in choosing a partner. Once they commit to a relationship, however, they are fiercely devoted. In terms of career, Taurus individuals excel in fields that allow them to utilize their practical and methodical skills. They often do well in finance, business, and accounting, as their attention to detail and penchant for following rules make them ideal for these professions. However, Tauruses can also be stubborn and resistant to change, which can sometimes hold them back from taking risks or trying new things. It’s important for them to learn to be more adaptable and open-minded in order to fully achieve their potential. Overall, those born under the sign of Taurus are reliable, hardworking, and dedicated individuals who value stability and practicality. While they may sometimes struggle to adapt to change, their steadfast nature makes them a valuable asset in any situation.


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