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Gemini: The Air Sign of the Zodiac As the sign of the twins, Gemini is often associated with duality and versatility. Represented by the symbol of two pillars or two figures, this air sign is known for its quick wit, intelligence, and communication skills. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, which explains the sign's natural talent for talking, writing, and networking. Geminis are often charming and sociable people who can adapt to different social situations with ease. They love to learn and share their knowledge with others, making them great teachers, writers, and speakers. However, Gemini's dual nature can also lead to indecisiveness and restlessness. Geminis are known for their fickleness and tendency to jump from one thing to another. They may struggle to commit to long-term projects or relationships, preferring to keep their options open. Despite these challenges, Geminis are known for their curious and adventurous spirit, always seeking to explore new ideas and experiences. They are quick thinkers and problem-solvers who can handle multiple tasks at once. In relationships, Geminis value intellectual stimulation and witty banter over emotional connection. Overall, Gemini is a sign of intellectual curiosity, adaptability, and communication. Whether you're a Gemini or you know someone who is, this air sign brings a unique blend of intelligence and personality to the zodiac.


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