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How to Read the Abbreviation for Taurus? Taurus is one of the twelve zodiac signs and is represented by a bull. If you were born between April 20th and May 20th, you are a Taurus. In astrology, Taurus is ruled by Venus and is known for being practical, reliable, and devoted. The abbreviation for Taurus is TA or TAU, but how do you pronounce it? The abbreviation TA is pronounced "tee-ay" and TAU is pronounced "taw." Both pronunciations are widely accepted in astrology and can be used interchangeably. Some people even use the abbreviations interchangeably without realizing there is a difference in pronunciation. It's important to note that Taurus is not the only zodiac sign with an abbreviation. Aries is often abbreviated as AR, Cancer as CAN, and Sagittarius as SAG. Knowing the abbreviations for each zodiac sign can come in handy when reading horoscopes or discussing astrology with others. In addition to astrology, the abbreviation TA has other meanings in different contexts. In the military, TA stands for Territorial Army, in finance, it stands for total assets, and in sports, it stands for touchdown assist. TAU, on the other hand, is mostly used as an abbreviation for Technology Acceptance Model in technology and psychology fields. In conclusion, the abbreviation for Taurus can be pronounced as "tee-ay" or "taw," both are correct. Knowing the abbreviations for zodiac signs can be useful when reading horoscopes or discussing astrology with others. It's also interesting to note the different meanings that TA and TAU have in other contexts.


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